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A Letter To You & C.V

Dear You,

It has come to my attention that your attention is on me. You've noticed my achievement and pride upon completion of a project which has been the driving force fuelling my addiction to media in the last five years. The lustful rush that formulates when working on something that really interests me is seen through the creativity and imagination in my projects. The great gift of life itself, as you know, is full of worldly inspiration that I draw from. How many times have you heard “think outside the box”? Well, I want to obliterate the box.​

I hope we will cross paths somewhere in the broadcast and fashion industry; an excellent place to flourish creatively and technically.

Kind Regards,
“The Perfectionist”

...P.S My friend Ayn Ran asked to pass on this wistful thought, “The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity.”​

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